San Antonio Box life.


Why Crossfit?

IMG_4847Most people ask me why I started Crossfit and think I’m obsessed. I started Crossfit to change my life around. I had a lot of downs with drama with friends and I wanted a fresh start and to focus on myself. New me, new atmosphere and be more positive about myself. Since I have joined Crossfit back in February of 2014, my life as changed for the better. I have more confidence in myself, I’m down 100 pounds, new friends and a better atmosphere. I have been blessed to be a part of a great community and positive support, Mission Crossfit SA has been a great community to be around and I am blessed everyday. I have been to about 10 Crossfit gyms around San Antonio so far and Mission is is still the best gym I’ve been too. They make you feel welcome and everyone is polite and here to help you with your goals. What I also like about Crossfit is it’s not just a gym where you can get bored real easy doing the same workouts everyday. Crossfit is vigorous workout that combines weight training, cardio and gymnastics all in one so that you become more fit in every area of your game. The goal in Crossfit is to be functionally fit as well as to to push every aspect of your body to the max so that you’re healthy, strong and in shape. Not just so you can lift a ton of weight or run a minute mile, but so you’re fit to do anything that life throws at you. When I first started Crossfit I ran a mile in 15 min, couldn’t do a pull up, basically I wasn’t in shape. A year later I can run a rile under 9 min and do the majority of the movements Crossfit has to offer. I have not done the same workouts since I have started Crossfit, everyday is something new and I look forward to that. I have made lifelong friends and I am very grateful. It was a struggle at first since Crossfit was intimidating and I challenge anyone to join. Find a local box and try it, if not come to Mission Crossfit San Antonio and you’re first class is free. It’s hard at first but then it gets easier. I talk about Crossfit a lot because I want people to know YOU can do it if you are willing to challenge yourself. Everyone can do Crossfit and if you want do a movement, there is always something else. Crossfit changed my life for the better and I thank Mission CFSA for that. To sum it up, I am in the best shape of my life and my own family doesn’t recognize me at times because of my hard work. It feels good as well because all my hard hard is paying off and I am here to inspire people. I hated going to the gyms, no help, and I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time. Crossfit saved my life and it can save yours as well.  I wanted to prove everyone wrong, that I can do something without any help or support. So get off the couch, stop being lazy and try Crossfit, most importantly try Mission Crossfit San Antonio. Voted best box and gym in San Antonio.

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This entry was posted on May 18, 2015 by in Uncategorized.